This extension allows you to give your customers a role after they have paid for a product. This is done by linking their Discord account to their account on your website. This extension is made for the Paymenter.
User in chat:
Linking Paymenter -> Discord
(To grant a user the role, they must click on "Linked Roles" from the server's context menu in Discord.)
1. Download using composer:
composer require corwindev/paymenter-discordlink
2. Go to and create a new application.
3. Access the newly created application, go to the Bot tab, and create a new bot. Copy the received token and save it in a secure place.
4. Navigate to the OAuth2 tab and add a new "Redirect" with the value https://yourDashboardDomainHere.example/linkedroles/callback
5. After confirming the changes, open the General Information tab, scroll down, and paste https://yourDashboardDomainHere.example/linkedroles
6. Add your bot to your server using the Url Generator from the OAuth2 tab.
7. Run the following command in the terminal:
php artisan discord:link
Then follow the instructions in the terminal.
8. Create a role on your server and go to the "Links" section to add a new requirement. You will see a list of social platforms followed by Your Application. Choose Your Application and select the requirements you prefer.
To display a badge next to a person's nickname as shown in the screenshot below, you need to add the role in the permissions of the chosen Discord channel.
To grant a user the role, they must click on "Linked Roles" from the server's context menu in Discord.
9. Done!
10. Leave a star on the GitHub repository if you like this extension!
Allow your customers to get a role when they bought something!
Price: Free
Views: 1955
Downloads: 351
Purchases: 0
User: Corwin
menno mertens
2 months ago
where do find the extensie